The International conference on AI Music Creativity (AIMC, https://aimusiccreativity.org/) is the merger of the international workshop on Musical Metacreation MUME (https://musicalmetacreation.org/) and the conference series on Computer Simulation of Music Creativity (CSMC, https://csmc2018.wordpress.com/). This special issue gathers selected papers from the first edition of the conference along with paper versions of two of its keynotes.
This special issue contains six papers that apply novel approaches to the generation and classification of music. Covering several generative musical tasks such as composition, rhythm generation, orchestration, as well as some machine listening task of tempo and genre recognition, these selected papers present state of the art techniques in Music AI. The issue opens up with an ode on computer Musicking, by keynote speaker Alice Eldridge, and Johan Sundberg's use of analysis-by-synthesis for musical applications.
How to Cite
Plut, C., Pasquier, P. & Jordanous, A., (2022) “Editorial: JCMS Special Issue of the first Conference on AI Music Creativity”, Journal of Creative Music Systems 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/jcms.1246